Τhe Cyprus State General Laboratory (SGL) under the Ministry of Health of Cyprus and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) jointly organized the workshop “Follow-up Training Workshop on the ImproRisk Model”, on 20-21 September, 2022 in Larnaca, Cyprus.
Aim of the workshop:
The Follow-up Training Workshop on the ImproRisk model was an initiative of the SGL, supported by EFSA, aiming to the contribution in building further scientific capacity in food safety risk assessment in the European Union and pre accession countries. The main objective of the workshop was to provide training on the online dietary exposure assessment model, ImproRisk, developed by the State General Laboratory of Cyprus, with regards to its applicability in chemical risk assessment. In this context, key topics were the management of the occurrence data and the food consumption data in order to be used as inputs to the model, the applied exposure assessment methodology and the model’s final outcome.
The Follow-up Training Workshop on the ImproRisk model was an initiative of the SGL, supported by EFSA, aiming to the contribution in building further scientific capacity in food safety risk assessment in the European Union and pre accession countries. The main objective of the workshop was to provide training on the online dietary exposure assessment model, ImproRisk, developed by the State General Laboratory of Cyprus, with regards to its applicability in chemical risk assessment. In this context, key topics were the management of the occurrence data and the food consumption data in order to be used as inputs to the model, the applied exposure assessment methodology and the model’s final outcome.
What is ImproRisk Model?
ImproRisk is an open access model for conducting chronic dietary exposure assessment for chemicals. The users of the model are able to estimate dietary exposure to a chemical substance of interest at any level of the food classification and description system FoodEx2, developed by EFSA, considering the FoodEx2 base term and the processing facet descriptor (F28). The model allows the estimation of the dietary exposure statistics for subjects with different demographic characteristics such as age, gender and area of living within the country. Exposure estimates are also stratified by these demographic characteristics. In this context, ImproRisk model is considered as a tool for facilitating decision making since it provides information regarding the percentage of the population exceeding the health-based guidance value for the chemical substance under study.
ImproRisk is an open access model for conducting chronic dietary exposure assessment for chemicals. The users of the model are able to estimate dietary exposure to a chemical substance of interest at any level of the food classification and description system FoodEx2, developed by EFSA, considering the FoodEx2 base term and the processing facet descriptor (F28). The model allows the estimation of the dietary exposure statistics for subjects with different demographic characteristics such as age, gender and area of living within the country. Exposure estimates are also stratified by these demographic characteristics. In this context, ImproRisk model is considered as a tool for facilitating decision making since it provides information regarding the percentage of the population exceeding the health-based guidance value for the chemical substance under study.
Experts from Food Safety Authorities/Risk Assessment Institutes in the EU, experts from the pre-accession countries and members of the Risk Assessment Unit of SGL.