Quality safety and nutritional quality of Zhikong Scallop, Chlamys farreri in Shandong Coastal Area of China
Quality safety and nutritional quality of Zhikong Scallop, Chlamys farreri in Shandong Coastal Area of China 18 October, 2022 Scallops are one of the important marine shellfish and the earliest mariculture species in China. Scallops are widely distributed along the coast of China, the aquaculture production of scallops has expanded rapidly in recent decades. Shandong is the largest
Midterm Evaluation
Midterm Evaluation The DiTECT project has reached 18 months and the midterm evaluation by the European Commission took place virtually on July 15th. An overview of the progress achieved within this period was reported per Work Package, while the partners had the opportunity to present the work carried out so far. As reported by
Improrisk & SGL | Sep 2022, Cyprus
Τhe Cyprus State General Laboratory (SGL) under the Ministry of Health of Cyprus and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) jointly organized the workshop “Follow-up Training Workshop on the ImproRisk Model”, on 20-21 September, 2022 in Larnaca, Cyprus. Aim of the workshop: The Follow-up Training Workshop on the ImproRisk model was an initiative of the SGL, supported by EFSA, aiming to the contribution in
FoodMicro | Aug 2022, Greece
The 27th International ICFMH Conference “FoodMicro 2022” was held in Athens, Greece on August 28-31, 2022. The DiTECT project was represented by numerous works either as oral or poster presentations. The partners had the opportunity to present the concept and the philosophy of the project as well as part of their findings so far.
Metabolomics | June 2022, Spain
METABOLOMICS 2022 19-23 JUNE 2022 VALENCIA SPAIN Marketing products of higher quality, following sustainable practices resulting in higher profitability are issues of great concern in Aquaculture. Methods that are suitable for on-line, real-time seafood quality assessment which are also rapid and non-invasive could contribute to the upgrade of this sector. In this context, AUA’s team (Lab
Minutes of 4th WP Leader’s meeting
Minutes of 4th WP Leader’s meeting Chalkidiki, Greece and by Conference platform Zoom (hybrid) 19 May 2022 Agenda 09:00-09:05 Connection & welcoming 09:05-09:30 Introduction, News, issues (WP1) George-John NYCHAS (AUA) 09:30-10:00 Progress* of WP2 ADIV & AUA 10:00-10:30 Progress* of WP3 VIDEOM & AUA 10:30-11:00 Progress* of WP4 UMAAS & (CU) 11:00-11:30 BREAK 11:30-12:00
18M Progress Report
DiTECT 18M Progress Report (Summary) Accomplished so far Successful completion of WP2 A holistic and comparative synthesis of hazard mapping along the food supply chain between both regions (EU & CN) and for each pilot alongside the limit criteria and methods of analysis. WP2 may facilitate and/or promote commercial transactions (imports/exports) between the two continents.
“Digitale Technologien als Wegbereiter für einen kontinuierlichen Wandel des Lebensmittelsicherheitssystems”.
DiTECT wird ein integriertes Rahmenwerk für die Echtzeit-Erkennung, -Bewertung und -Minderung von biologischen, chemischen und Umweltkontaminanten in der gesamten Lebensmittelversorgungskette entwickeln.